Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Jobs

Soliant has occupational therapy assistant jobs all over the country, in a variety of settings. Choose from small towns, medium-size cities and major metro areas. We can place you in a rehabilitation facility, hospital, school system or... Read More

Soliant has occupational therapy assistant jobs all over the country, in a variety of settings. Choose from small towns, medium-size cities and major metro areas. We can place you in a rehabilitation facility, hospital, school system or other setting. Whatever you choose, you’ll enjoy competitive pay, comprehensive health benefits, paid travel, paid housing, savings plans and more.

As a certified occupational therapy assistant you have opportunities every day to help patients overcome a variety of impairments. And just as you improve your patients’ lives, Soliant has the resources to improve yours.

Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Duties

As a certified occupational therapy assistant, you will be helping others work through their disabilities, injuries and accidents. There are a number of different types of facilities that are available to you to work in. If you want to help senior citizens enjoy their golden years in a more physically viable manner, numerous facilities could use your services. Private facilities are also in constant demand for certified occupational therapists as well, so begin studying for the exam and get your credentials to be able to apply.

Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Education Requirements

If you are ready to take your occupational therapist expertise to the next level, you might want to consider becoming certified. This will place you in high demand at some of the nation’s top clinics, outpatient facilities and health care providers. In order to become eligible to take the NBCOT certification examination, candidates in the United States must have earned a degree in occupational therapy from a regionally accredited institution. This can entail any of the following: An associate’s degree in occupational therapy, an entry-level master’s degree in occupational therapy, or an entry-level doctoral degree in occupational therapy.

Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Job Market

Certified occupational therapists are in high demand, making it a great time to start your COTA career. The average salary range is often in fluctuation, and can vary depending on the state and facility hiring. Search our occupational therapy assistant jobs today.

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