EP Lab Nurse Jobs

With Soliant, your career goals and desires in an electrophysiology (EP) lab nurse job are prioritized alongside excellent benefits and support. We understand that your electrophysiology nurse job requires all your attention, so let us take care of the career search for you.

Electrophysiology Nurse Job Duties

When patients undergo an electrophysiology study procedure of the heart, it’s the EP lab nurses’ job to assist throughout the procedure and care for the patient throughout the process. Prior to the procedure, EP lab nurses will explain the process to the patient and answer any questions they might have. In addition, they will also observe the patient prior to the procedure and notify the physician if there are any issues that arise.

After assisting with sedating the patient for the procedure, electrophysiology nurse jobs require nurses to perform various functions throughout the process, which includes an evaluation of any defibrillators and pacemakers during and after the procedure. Afterward, EP nurses will continue to care for the patient and administer any necessary medications.

EP Lab Nurse Job Requirements

Upon completion of an Associate of Science in Nursing program or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing program and obtaining your RN credentials, you can begin your career track for EP lab nurse jobs. Before applying to electrophysiology nurse jobs, you’ll need to work in departments that provide you with experience in cardiology care and treatment. This will allow you to prepare for your career as an EP lab nurse. In addition, you’ll also need to participate in related training programs.

EP Travel Nurse Jobs

Travel EP lab nurse jobs give you the opportunity to do the job you love from the locations you desire. Your main responsibilities in these electrophysiology nurse jobs will remain the same; however, the duration of your assignment may vary accordingly. Travel positions often mean you’ll be filling in for the team for a shorter window of time, but this certainly varies. This is one of the main draws to travel EP lab nurse jobs due to the flexibility that comes along with shorter assignments, as you can travel more often or take longer breaks in between.

Regardless of what you’re looking for in an electrophysiology nurse job, Soliant is here to help you! Browse our EP lab nurse job openings today!
