What it Takes to Run a Hospital

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Running a hospital is a complicated undertaking. Every component needs to be in top shape, because that’s what it takes to help people. In a lot of cases, lives are at stake, and they need every advantage to stay alive. In this article we’ll look at key components to running a hospital. While some are technical, many pieces of the puzzle involve a caring, human element.

The Systems


A hospital needs to operate constantly. From utilities to electricity, heating & water to oxygen, everything is essential. While many people don’t think of keeping the lawn maintained and the equipment dusted as important, these steps can be critical to warding off pests and infections.
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Nursing Shortage, USA: Why It’s Happening, & How It Can Be Resolved

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We call them “angels of mercy.” We call them the “glue that holds the medical system together.” We call them “front lines” of American healthcare; “unsung heroes” of the medical profession.

Yet, our so-called angels of mercy are in a bad situation: they’re facing a dire nursing shortage that shows no sign of improving. If we have such glorified opinions of nurses, why are they dropping like flies? If nursing is one of the most secure and well-paid job markets in the country, why are we struggling to fill and keep nursing positions?

To start digging our way out of the shortage, we’ve got to first understand what’s currently causing the American nursing shortage—and what’s at stake.
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7 Bad Habits Medical Professionals Should Kick (While They Tell Their Patients to)

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Though doctors, nurses and other health industry professionals often lead healthier-than-average lives (gone are the days of 9 out of 10 doctors recommending a particular brand of cigarettes,) there are a few vices that would still be good to kick while you’re asking your patients to do the same.

7 Bad Habits Medical Professionals Should Kick (While They Tell Their Patients to)

It’s no joke that doctors (and other medical professionals) are often the worst patients.

Though doctors, nurses and other health industry professionals often lead healthier-than-average lives (gone are the days of 9 out of 10 doctors recommending a particular brand of cigarettes,) there are a few vices that would still be good to kick while you’re asking your patients to do the same.

As far as bad habits go, scientific advances, knowledge, and common sense haven’t quite curbed all of the below in the halls of clinics and hospitals: Continue reading “7 Bad Habits Medical Professionals Should Kick (While They Tell Their Patients to)”