4 Top Allied Health Jobs in Demand

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Looking to grow your allied health career? We breakdown four top jobs to advance your career.

4 top allied health jobs in demand in the u.s.

Many healthcare professionals know allied health is a great place to launch a healthcare career. Many get their start in the field with an associate degree or a certification and continue to grow with additional education, experience and certifications in other areas under the allied health umbrella.

Looking for a job in the allied health field? Start searching now.

Allied Health Career Statistics

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) considers healthcare to be one of the fastest-growing industries in the U.S. Employment is expected to grow by 13% over the next 10 years – adding about 2 million new jobs over the next decade – which is much faster than all other occupations.

In addition, BLS projects about 1.9 million jobs open annually due to the replacement of workers who retire or move careers.

In this article, we discuss some of the top allied health job options that can help propel your healthcare career, including the top states for these jobs and the additional qualifications for each position.

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The Nursing Shortage in the United States: Why It’s Happening and Solutions

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We call them “angels of mercy.” We call them the “glue that holds the medical system together.” We call them “front lines” of American healthcare; “unsung heroes” of the medical profession.

Yet, our so-called angels of mercy are in a bad situation: they’re facing a dire nursing shortage that shows no sign of improving. If we have such glorified opinions of nurses, why are they dropping like flies? If nursing is one of the most secure and well-paid job markets in the country, why are we struggling to fill and keep nursing positions?

To start digging our way out of the shortage, we’ve got to first understand what’s currently causing the American nursing shortage—and what’s at stake. Continue reading “The Nursing Shortage in the United States: Why It’s Happening and Solutions”

Pharmacy Automation: Will Pharmacists Be Replaced?

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Would you want a robot dispensing drugs for you and your patients? Odds are, that’s long since been the case, to one extent or another:

Robotics have been used to help dispense medication in some pharmacies since the 1990s and robots for delivering medication have been used in hospitals for a decade.

And even before that, machines have been used for decades to count pills for dispensing – Such technology is now the standard in more than 30,000 pharmacies worldwide.

But will technology ever replace pharmacists completely? Continue reading “Pharmacy Automation: Will Pharmacists Be Replaced?”

How To Write a Nursing Resignation Letter

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In the world of nursing, job change is a regular path to promotion or at least getting out of an unsatisfactory situation. However, for whatever reason you have decided to leave your nursing job, it’s essential to have a positive exit strategy. Your last impression of your current job can impact your career prospects for years to come.

Continue reading “How To Write a Nursing Resignation Letter”

Nursing Pay By State

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A Registered Nurse

Online lists stating the average pay for nurses nationwide can vary wildly and often suggest that huge rises or drop have occurred, but what’s the final word on how (and what) nurses actually get paid under various circumstances? We take a look at the most up-to-date numbers and what the statistics can – and can’t – tell us.

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9 People Who Have Turned Medical Imaging Into Art

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About 5 years ago, I looked at the rainbow strands of light below and wondered if I was seeing some sort of digital art.

What I was actually seeing was a map of someone’s brain, made with a Siemens Magnetom Allegra 3-Tesla scanner at Massachusetts General Hospital.

By imaging the mobility of water molecules, the brilliant strands here showed nerve pathways – essentially a wiring diagram of a thought…maybe even a feeling. Continue reading “9 People Who Have Turned Medical Imaging Into Art”