A growing number of children are receiving occupational therapy services at school, and school-based occupational therapists are tasked with providing helpful activities for a wide range of students with varying abilities and issues. Finding fresh, new ideas to keep students engaged is important, as is finding new resources and techniques to assist in more challenging cases. Thankfully, living in this digital generation, there are many online resources available for occupational therapists. Here are just a few information-packed websites to help you create the best therapy experience for your students.
ToolsToGrow is a subscription-based website that offers a variety of resources in a number of different occupational therapy tracks. There are a number of activities and worksheets available for download with a free basic subscription and even more with a paid membership. There is also a blog within the site which regularly shares great tips, ideas, and products.
OTs with Apps
On the OTs with Apps and Technology blog, you can find a variety of links and information about apps and tools that are useful for occupational therapists. You’ll find posts by therapy topic, product reviews and recommendations, and much more that may be useful in preparing therapy strategies for your students.
The YourTherapySource website offers a wide range of free and paid forms, activities, handouts, and more. There is also a free monthly digital magazine with tips, activities, and articles available for download, as well as past issues.
The OTinPublicSchools blog is written by a school-based occupational therapist for the purpose of sharing information and techniques with other occupational therapists. You’ll find 8 years of activity ideas and tips, with a few personal posts sprinkled in.
At TeachersPayTeachers, you can find a number of OT activities and resources for purchase. Everything is created by teachers, allowing educators who have developed lesson plans, unit studies, and other resources for their own classroom make a little extra money by selling them to others in the educational space.
AOTA Connections
Connections is an online forum and blog site by the American Occupational Therapy Association. There are public boards with certification and other information for those interested in occupational therapy, plus private forums for AOTA members to share information and resources.
To those who have been in the profession for a long time, Pinterest may be a no-brainer as a great place to hunt for new and creative techniques and activities for occupational therapy sessions. However, to someone who is new to the field, Pinterest is a vast field of untapped resources. Take some time to search keywords that are complementary to your current students’ needs, follow some active occupational therapy Pin boards, and be sure to pin your own favorite finds to share with the community.
There are dozens upon dozens of blogs, activity sites, and other online resources available for school based occupational therapists. Please share some of your favorites in the comments! We’d love to hear what you love!