Nursing Shortage, USA: Why It’s Happening, & How It Can Be Resolved

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We call them “angels of mercy.” We call them the “glue that holds the medical system together.” We call them “front lines” of American healthcare; “unsung heroes” of the medical profession.

Yet, our so-called angels of mercy are in a bad situation: they’re facing a dire nursing shortage that shows no sign of improving. If we have such glorified opinions of nurses, why are they dropping like flies? If nursing is one of the most secure and well-paid job markets in the country, why are we struggling to fill and keep nursing positions?

To start digging our way out of the shortage, we’ve got to first understand what’s currently causing the American nursing shortage—and what’s at stake.
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Timeline of Medical Tools and Techniques

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When people get really sick or injured, they go to the hospital with the expectation that the doctors will be able to do something about their health problems. Considering how much medical technology has advanced just over the last century, we really take this expectation for granted.

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Choosing a Locum Tenens Company

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Locum tenens is a burgeoning business, a driving force in the economy and a practical approach to meeting the needs of a medical market that is fast becoming overworked and understaffed. Staffing companies that specialize in temporary medical personnel placement at hospitals, clinics and other medical facilities are currently billing over $2 billion a year, and the need is only expected to increase in the coming years. Continue reading “Choosing a Locum Tenens Company”

Our Picks for the Top 10 Traits of Highly Effective Pharmacists

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Being a pharmacist can make for a rewarding medical career: The pay-to-hours ratio provides an attractive quality of life. And the duties allow for meaningful interactions with patients. So much so that – time-and-again – pharmacists are cited as one of the professionals Americans trust the most.

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11 Certifications To Expand Your Skill Set

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Whether you’re a doctor looking to change specialties, a nurse looking to re-train, or a med-school student who just decided they want to open up a camping store rather than start practicing medicine (wait…that was actually an episode of The Cosby Show)…

…Seriously, let’s say you’re a med-school student and decide at the last minute that you want to do something other than what you were trained for, or want to add a new skill set to your tool belt for a backup career, a new CV feature, or just to expand your horizons…

Whether you’re looking for a full-time change-of-pace or a minor side project, here below are 11 medical certifications you may not have thought of:
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4 Organizations for Pharmacists

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The world of pharmaceuticals is constantly evolving as new medications are added to the market. As with any medical profession, it is important for a pharmacist to keep up with the latest information and innovations. This is where trade organizations become invaluable. There are numerous national and state pharmacy organizations. Today, we will discuss four of the most popular in the national arena. Continue reading “4 Organizations for Pharmacists”

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