Keys to Effective Feedback and Truly Constructive Criticism

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In a medical environment, providing constructive feedback to those under your supervision can mean the difference between life and death in some situations. No one enjoys being told that they are doing something wrong or getting “caught in the act” when they’re using shortcuts or practices that are against policy; however, providing feedback and corrective criticism doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience. Here are a few key tips that will help you to give feedback that is heard clearly and more likely to be acted upon. Continue reading “Keys to Effective Feedback and Truly Constructive Criticism”

Best Supplemental Education and Training Ideas for School Nurses

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School nurses are faced with a wide range of tasks in their day, from determining whether a little one is suffering from a stomachache or trying to avoid a math test to students who require assistance with ongoing, severe medical problems. Because of this extreme range of responsibilities, it’s important for those practicing school nursing to stay on top of the latest developments in the medical field and to seek additional education and training certifications on a wide range of topics.

In order to determine what additional training and supplemental education may be useful, school nurses should take a look at their student body and what medical issues those students may face. Additionally, talking with school health professionals in schools that feed into their school can give an idea of the medical issues of incoming students in the next couple of years. Other nurses may have personal topics of interest for which they would like to seek additional education. Continue reading “Best Supplemental Education and Training Ideas for School Nurses”

Open Communication is a Top Tool for School Nurses

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Many times, the school nurse is the first person to recognize physical and mental health issues in a child. As we are not typically equipped to diagnose and manage illnesses, communicating with teachers, parents, administration, and other caregivers is the best tool in our arsenal for ensuring that students get the care and attention they need. Whether you are working with a student who has a potential health issue or one who is being treated for an existing condition, here are some top tips for keeping the lines of communication open and healthy.

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Seven Great Online Resources for School Occupational Therapists

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A growing number of children are receiving occupational therapy services at school, and school-based occupational therapists are tasked with providing helpful activities for a wide range of students with varying abilities and issues. Finding fresh, new ideas to keep students engaged is important, as is finding new resources and techniques to assist in more challenging cases. Thankfully, living in this digital generation, there are many online resources available for occupational therapists. Here are just a few information-packed websites to help you create the best therapy experience for your students.

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Seven Tips for Handling Difficult Patients

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In a perfect world, we would all spend our days surrounded by happy patients who never are upset, never complain, and who are always compliant to requests. However, the reality is that nearly every single medical professional will need to deal with a difficult patient at some point, if not on a regular basis. So what are we to do when patients are rude, belligerent, or defiant? Here are some tips to help you handle any situation with grace. Continue reading “Seven Tips for Handling Difficult Patients”

Best Electives for Nursing and Medical Students

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When working toward a degree in nursing, pre-med, or other health care professions, there are many required courses and prerequisites that may take over your class schedule. Electives are also necessary, but making decisions about the right elective courses can be a challenge. Do you want something fun? Something easy? Something that will be a help to you in your future career?  Here are a few great electives choices and how they can come into play in your medical career.

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